Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Updike of holiday weekends

A few months ago, The Sportswriter protagonist Frank Bascombe kinda pissed me off, with his poor decisions and his even poorer relationships. This morning, I found his creator to be considerably more charming. Richard Ford was a featured segment on CBS Sunday Morning (the drowsy, pleasant alternative to the Chris Matthews-style browbeating on Sunday mornings).

And it's hard not to like a guy who waxes rhapsodic about real estate: "The language of real estate is all about the language of people's hopes for where they live, how much they feel their house is worth and therefore, how much they feel themselves to be worth."

Also, I'd like to point out that Ford and his wife argue over the word "azure." Good to know that petty squabbles over word choice still happen after the honeymoon is over.

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