Sunday, December 13, 2009

Year-end addendum

I don't know why, but I always kind of assumed that David Sedaris's reading taste (at least the public one) would be considerably more esoteric than mine. Then I saw his bit in The New Yorker blog discussing his 2009 favorites. Among them was the Lorrie Moore novel (as on everybody's end-of-year list, it seems)--but also two other books I really want to read, the upcoming Joshua Ferris novel and Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned.

Also, there was a revelation in there: Dorothy Parker as read by...Elaine Stritch! I don't know what planets aligned for that one, but it must have been amazing.

And this reminds me that 2009 was actually a really good year for quality books, despite the ongoing cataclysm that is publishing--and Sarah Palin.

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